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Schedule & Pricing

The journey of training Jiu-Jitsu is fun, challenging, and rewarding, and we're excited to experience it with you!

4:30pm - 5:30pm (kids 4-12)
5:30pm – 6:30pm (teens 13-17)
Monday, Wednesday & Saturdays: Adults 18+
5:30pm – 6:30pm (Mon & Wed) & 2:00pm – 3:00pm (Sat)
One-time $25 registration fee, then choose: 
Drop-In: $15 per class, OR Join: $95 per month (unlimited training) (approx. $8.00 per class)

Jujitsu Posture

Brazilian jui-jitsu

What is Jiu-Jitsu?

Answer:    Interestingly, Jiu-Jitsu means different things to different people.  Translated into English as "The Gentle Art," it is a system of defensive and offensive tactics used to greatly increase the likelihood of success in a physical altercation with another person.  Core principles of Jiu-Jitsu include leverage, timing, patience, efficiency, balance, adaptation, body awareness, calmness, perseverance, and distance management.  Jiu-Jitsu incorporates both standing and ground techniques, although it is best known for its ground control strategies and submissions.  Here, we train Jiu-Jitsu under the following "rules" or "principles":

1.  Cooperation.  We're training partners, not adversaries.  We're not here to beat each other up, prove anything, or dominate our classmates.  All egos must be checked at the door.  Every student learns better through cooperation, from the beginners to the most advanced.

2.  Precision.  The only way to be fast and precise is to start by being slow and precise.  We start slowly and technically to ensure we're building the correct muscle memory.

3.  Street Mindset.  The first year (approx.) of training is dedicated solely to preparing for an untrained "street" opponent.  Think about the drunk guy at the bar who can't be reasoned with.  Or the robber you encounter in the act.  Or the schoolyard bully.  We don't pick fights, but sometimes the fight picks us.


Who is teaching the classes?

Answer:  Our resident instructor is Logan Fairfax.  He took up Jiu-Jitsu as a hobby in San Diego and trained there for about 10 years at a Gracie Certified Training Center, earning his purple belt.  His focus is helping students prepare for real-world scenarios, and he enjoys teaching people of all skill levels and ages.


Do I have to already be "in shape" to participate effectively?

Answer:  Absolutely not.  We focus on techniques that utilize natural body movements and that do not require extreme athleticism, flexibility, or strength to perform effectively.  Students who regularly attend classes will, however, realize that they are progressively getting in better shape without thinking too much about it.  Improved health is one of the many benefits of training Jiu-Jitsu, and it happens naturally while having fun learning something useful.


Will we be grappling / sparring / rolling?

Answer:  No, and then yes.  During the first year (approx.) of training, students should not be coming to class to spar with each other.  An untrained fighter gets hurt.  Instead, we focus on learning proper technique, understanding body mechanics, drilling slowly and safely with our training partners, and understanding the "road map" of Jiu-Jitsu.  When learning a new language, the student needs to begin with the alphabet.  Likewise, in Jiu-Jitsu, we need to all get up-to-speed on the "language" of the art, which is the techniques and moves, before we start co-authoring stories on the mat.

Instead of sparring during the first year, we spend time doing focused drilling exercises and fight simulations.  This combines several techniques in a naturally progressive manner that mimics the moves that are most likely to be performed in an actual altercation.  This is how we build the muscle memory we want.

After about a year of training (once the "trunk" of your tree has been sufficiently watered and your "street" Jiu-Jitsu techniques and reflexes are on point), students are invited to spar/roll/grapple/play in a gi with other advanced students.  This is a fun "human body chess" game of Jiu-Jitsu vs. Jiu-Jitsu which never really just gets refined and more nuanced.  Contrast this with the first year of training where it is Jiu-Jitsu vs. unskilled attacker on the street.


Will we be punching each other or otherwise "fighting" with each other, and will I get injured?

Answer:  No, we don't fight each other.  You don't need to fight in order to learn how to fight.   Now, with that being said, there are reflex development drills and fight simulation drills that the more advanced students may do which involve their partner being the "bad guy" and throwing light punches with sparring gloves on.  We do this to "stress test" the students' techniques and reflexes under more realistic circumstances, and we ramp up the intensity commensurately with each student's skill and comfort level.  While it is always possible to get injured while engaging in any physical activity, injuries that occur while training this style of Jiu-Jitsu are extremely rare.


What do I need to wear?

Answer:  During the first year (approx.) of training there is no need to wear a gi (the official "uniform" with a belt that looks like a Karate uniform), although you can if you want to.  We prefer to wear spats, grappling shorts, and a rash guard.  This attire helps keep us streamlined and clean, and it allows us to move in less inhibited ways and clearly see what is going on as we learn the most important moves for street self-defense.


Do I need to train 3 (or more) days per week to make it worthwhile?

Answer:  No.  Training only once per week is certainly worthwhile, although it will take a bit longer to develop a deep understanding of the techniques and build the correct muscle memory.  Training twice per week is more than enough to develop a strong skill set of self-defense techniques.  Training three or more times per week is ideal, but not necessary to progress.


How long will it take me to become "street ready?"

Answer:    For most people, it takes about 1 year (training 2-3 times per week).  Some get there in about 9 months, while others need closer to 18 months.  Of course, it's the journey and not the destination that really matters.  The journey is what shapes you, while the destination is a subjective and constantly moving target that could be impossible to reach. 

The journey of training Jiu-Jitsu is fun, challenging, and rewarding, and we're excited to experience it with you!

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